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Alfjeda engineers are known for excellence, we focus on minimising waste, using renewable energy sources, reducing pollution and creating long-lasting, efficient systems that can be enjoyed by future generations.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image #33 Okporo road by Fine Brothers, First Artillery junction, Rumuogba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image + (234) 812-4154-354 + (234) 806-7324-201 icon_widget_image info@alfjedaengineers.com admin@alfjedaengineers.com
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end to end Precision

Asset Integrity Management & Life Extension Studies

At Alfjeda, we say precision is our goal while sustainability is our focus. You will love it here.

Life extension studies for offshore facilities and structure with respect to the integrity of the structure is one that has come to stay. This analysis gives further profitability and service to facility owners outside the initially predicted assets life but within the service capacity of the structure/equipment/asset. This is because in designing and operating an offshore structure, certain parameters are over designed based on allowance on design codes so that the structures must serve the required life-giving room for alternate designs and redeployment of a replacement structure.
As a result of the residual value of the offshore structures and the over designing factor during FEED, it is possible that minor modification/maintenance could put more profitable service for operation without causing a major disaster. ALFJEDA ENGINEERS' understanding of the possibility of extension of facility life and the importance that asset integrity monitoring has developed the competence to ascertain the level of failure/utilization that is left after facility service life. We have our own labs, research engineers, partner researchers, bringing our operation subject-matter experts in from the field and testing everything we can get their hands on. “We are not afraid to get our hands dirty ‘’, as this knowledge is vital in project economics and the resulting knowledge is being shared which is the reason we collaborate.

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    Nigeria: #33 Okporo road by Fine Brothers, First Artillery Junction, Rumuogba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

    London: 11 Edgar House, Francis Harvey Way,

    Deptford, London. SE8 4DA.

    Aberdeen: 54 Dunecht Road, Westhill,

    AB32 6RH, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

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